Mister Wivell's Main Blog

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Not strictly a comic

This is a drawing, and it has a speech bubble. Although it isn't really a comic strip, I think it just about qualifies as a worthy contribution to this blog. So here is my digital trace of Brian Cox as Hannibal Lecktor in the magnificent film 'Manhunter'. And yes, the film-makers did spell it 'Lecktor' and not 'Lecter' for this film - it's not a spelling mistake.

Anyway, this took bloody ages to do, so tell me what you think!

Saturday, 10 October 2009


The idea for this comic was born from a conversation I had with my friend, Ross. I have no recollection of how we got onto the subject of cows doing shadow puppets, and I don't really think it's worth the brainpower to try to remember.

I sort of got carried away with this one, and didn't bother to trim it down. This is partly due to the fact that I ended up with exactly 16 panels, giving me the opportunity for a mighty fine 4x4 layout. It is also partly due to the fact that I liked how long the cows took to reach a fairly obvious conclusion, and how it makes the bizarre final panel pack a little extra punch.

However, I don't particularly regard this one as my best. I didn't sit back, half-smiling with pride, when I finished it. It was more of a "fuck it, that'll do" attitude.
I did say, when I started this blog, that I would experiment with different styles and storytelling techniques, so that's why I'm posting this up. I can't tell if it's funny or not; as the creator, I tend to view my comics from the wrong angle, letting my knowledge of their history, their creation and the problems I had with them affect my opinion. This may be genius. But it may be absolute crap.

You tell me.